Thursday, June 12, 2008

Going Green - Making Your Home Environmentally Friendly

In this day in age with increasing advances in technology and higher standards of living, everything seems to be at our disposal. However, we have and continue to take the earth for granted.

There are varied opinions on what effect global warming will have on the earth in the future but It is there are steps that we can take to rectify this situation. Aside from buying a hybrid car it’s the small choices that can prove to be most beneficial.

Make your home energy efficient - by installing florescent blubs (these cost more than the average blub but last longer). When buying appliances, choose the ones that have the energy star symbol on them and in some jurisdictions, the city will offer up to a $100 rebate on the product you buy. Unplug unused appliances – even though the appliance maybe turn off it is still draining energy.

Change your windows- on newer homes this isn’t necessary but changing your windows in an older home will allow for better insulation of the home and hence better air circulation for heat or air conditioning.

Switch to unsustainable flooring – if you’re thinking of changing your flooring think about making the switch to unsustainable flooring. This type of flooring is made of natural materials such cork or bamboo and acts as a insulator for the floor because it retains the heat (great for those cold winter mornings).

Low flow faucets – come in a variety of styles that fit the theme of your bathrooms or kitchen and best of all you are conserving on your water consumption.

Keep recycling - there is a website where you can find a variety of earth friendly products. From cleaning products to bedding to personal care product this site allows you to shop from the comfort of your home all while making your contribution to saving our earth.

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